HOWEVER--I believe I probably have the oldest UFO of all the Iron Crafters!
I inherited a quilt top that my mother had begun in the 1940's. She never finished it and I acquired it in the 1980's. At that time you couldn't find vintage-looking fabrics and the top needed a backing, a border, and a little perking up. After much searching, I settled on several fabrics that I could use. I added lace between the blocks and appliqued centers to each of the blocks and used that fabric for the border. I also found a neutral fabric for the backing, added batting, and began to HAND QUILT!
It was more of a project than I anticipated--my life being full with family, teaching, and a lot of other craft interests. So the quilt sat in a drawer for many years. After I retired, it moved with me to our present home. Every time I open my craft drawer it callls to me! So, at least once a year, I say "this is the year"--take it out and do a couple of blocks. At this rate, I might finish it in my lifetime, but my daughter, the Mom of "A Mom and 2 Things , or my niece, Kat, being the granddaughters of my mother may end up inheriting a UFO!

PS Now that I have the quilt out again--maybe I"ll do one block--or
maybe two--never know, this might be the year!!
Come on you can do it! Hand quilting is relaxing, right?
What a wonderful story. To have family heirlooms like this is absolutely amazing. Just the history involved. You should have a family get together and sewing blocks. Maybe Thing2 might even be interested now that he knows how to sew.
This is such a great project. You really should gather some other family and put them to work with you.
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