Since the girls gave me no choice and set me up with a blog, you will at times, have to bear with the thoughts and memories of days gone by, as well as the craft challenge of the week. This is one of those times! Fourth of July today will always be compared to those Fourths of my childhood.
Our family would visit my Dad's mother for the holiday. As a ten to twelve year old, it was a much anticipated holiday. I was free to go with my girlfriends early in the morning to see them set up the booths along Main Street in anticipation of the BIG PARADE! It was a good miles walk, but we were eager to go. After watching all the pre-parade preparations, we would meet my parents to watch the parade. Afterwards, we would walk and mingle with the crowds the length of Main Street. My Dad was a hometown football hero who played at the "University" and I was so proud when he was hailed by everyone! After the parade, the whole family drove about 5 miles to the "lake" where a picnic, swimming, and games took place. Then it was back to town for a band concert and fireworks at the football stadium--a perfect end to a perfect day! What more could a child want!
Now, enough rambling, and on to the challenge of the week. As we were having a small potluck with friends, I needed a quick and easy centerpiece for the table. Martha Stewart's website had some directions for some easy paper stars which I made and added to a straw wreath from IKEA. I used some blue napkins to form a star shape and put a candle in the middle. I also used some "firecrackers" I made several years ago. They are dowel rods, cut and painted. Grandpa bored a hole in each one and I glued a piece of jute twine in the ends for fuses The holiday was good, but can't compare to days of yore!.

Happy Birthday USA!